Apr 19, 2016 | Candy McEwan | 1727 views
Uniform Pick Up and Payment Day
Minor ball will be hosting a “uniform pick up” morning on Saturday April 23rd from 9:30-11:30am. Uniform shirts and caps can be picked for the season in the cafeteria at St.Marys DCVI. Outstanding registration fees will be collected before picking up uniforms. Payment for registration can be made using VISA, cheque or cash.
There is a baton competition being held at DCVI at the same time. Please enter and exit the school off of Elizabeth Street or Rogers Ave only!
Grey ball pants (hardball) or navy ball shorts (fastball) and batting helmets are not provided by the association but are required. Samples will be available for viewing on this day, and will be available to purchase at Dunny’s Source for Sports.
At this point, the Jr. Rookie uniforms have not arrived so will not be available for pick up on Saturday but registration money is still going to be collected for Jr. Rookie players on Saturday.
If you cannot attend on Saturday, your player will receive his or her uniform at a future practice or game. Registration money must be paid before receiving a uniform.