Mar 09, 2020 | Mike Reid | 1444 views
Umpires Needed!!
Planning for the 2020 Baseball and Fastball season is well underway. This of course includes the umpires.
For those already registered with Baseball Ontario and Softball Ontario clinics are now posted. For Baseball, umpires are required to attend a clinic every year. For softball, it is recommended you take a clinic once every 2-3 years to stay uptodate on any rule changes. If you are looking to umpire rep softball you need to take an appropriate clinic.
To that end we are in desperate need to add umpires to our Association in baseball and softball.
As a reminder St. Marys Minor Ball covers 100% of the registration costs in your 1st year and 50% thereafter. We also provide all the protective equipment needed (except jock/jill) leaving only a small outlay required for the clothing needed.
Anyone interested in becoming an umpire please contact me directly at 226-378-5685 or [email protected] and I'd be happy to go over the process of registering with you.
Thank you,
Mike Reid - Umpire in Chief