Feb 18, 2021 | Jeremy Stephens (2019) | 2309 views
2021 Season Update
We are happy to announce that planning has begun for our return to ball in 2021!
At this point in time, we aren't able to confirm the details of what the season will look like or the timing of when it will begin. That said, we are optimistic and have decided to go ahead with online registration mid-March in order to start our planning. Registration details will be posted in the coming weeks on the website.
Coaches and Umpires Needed
In anticipation of the season, we are looking for additional coaches and umpires. Becoming a trained coach or umpire helps our organization run a successful program. If you've considered it before, this is a great time to get started with online courses and a police check before the season begins.
If you're interested in becoming a coach or have questions about the qualifications, please contact Donna Levy at [email protected].
If you're interested in becoming an umpire or have questions about the process, please contact Mike Reid at [email protected]