Interested in Coaching one of our OBA teams?, News (St. Marys Minor Ball)

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Feb 13, 2022 | Rachel Torrance | 875 views
Interested in Coaching one of our OBA teams?
SMMBA is looking for OBA coaches!  If you are interested in coaching one of our OBA teams, please fill out the following application.  All applications must be received by Friday, February 25, 2022.

Coach Application 2022

Hubbard Pharmacy Ltd.
Since 1850, the building at 155 Queen Street East has proudly served the St. Marys community and surrounding areas. The brick-faced stone building which currently occupies the address was built in 1882 by Sidney Fraleigh and has operated as a pharmacy since 1913. The McIntyre family were the pioneers of what would eventually become Hubbard Pharmacy. In the late 1960s, after the McIntyre's, the pharmacy became owned by Al Duesburry and later by Ron Sage. In 1989, upon the passing of Mr. Sage, Hubbard Pharmacy got its name after being purchased by Dwayne and Cathy Hubbard. In 2016 Erin Dunbar became a partner, and in March 2020 Hubbard Pharmacy was purchased by Erin and David Dunbar.
Action Health Care
Action Health Care Inc. was opened in April of 2002 based on an idea to offer an outstanding service to improve the quality of life and reduce the daily living challenges of our clients, in an efficient, competitive, caring and timely manner. At Action Health Care we pride ourselves on our skilled personal attentive service – which stems from being a family owned company.
St. Marys Kinsmen
The Kinsmen Club of St. Marys is part of a national organization of service clubs who believe in ‘Serving the Community's Greatest Need’. We do this through service while embracing national pride, positive values, personal development and lasting friendship. We have a rich history of service in St. Marys since chartered in 1957 which we are proud to continue today. Kin Canada is committed to changing lives and making Canadian communities a better place to live.
Optimist Club of Downie
The Optimist Club of Downie promotes optimism as a philosophy of life, aids in the development of youth and encourages community involvement.
Hitching Post
The Hitching Post (2019) Ltd is an agriculture retail outlet situated in the town of St.Marys, Ontario. We are a Shur-Gain dealership providing bulk and bag livestock feed products, as well as cereals, pet food, bird seed, hardware, pool supplies, animal health products, trees & landscaping supplies, salt and workwear. In addition, we are a Quality Seeds, Pride Seeds and CR Plastics Furniture dealer.
Dunny's Source for Sports
We're your local Source For Sports, part of a national sporting goods buying group and affiliated with over 150 other Source for Sports stores across Canada. We aren't a franchise; we're an independent business owned and operated by a member of your local community. As a member of the largest buying group in Canada and one of the country's biggest retailers of sports equipment, we have access to products from around the world along with immense buying power.