May 05, 2022 | Rachel Torrance | 1044 views
The level 1 & 2 clinics are online again this year.
Returning Umpires:
Login to your account and register for the clinic to recertify.
New Umpires:
Create an account and then register for the level 1 clinic.
To find the clinic, search for WOBA as they are hosting it. Once you register and pay for the clinic you will receive an email with a link to take the clinic. Links will be sent out every Monday & Thursday. You will be reimbursed for the clinic on your first payment after you umpire a game(s).
There will be an in person meeting on May 14, 2022 @ 11:00am at the HOF JMRD field (3rd diamond). We would like to have a quick talk with all umpires to make sure everyone is on the same page and to go over any questions or concerns you may have. This will be followed by a brief teaching course on umpire basics for those of you who are new to umpiring or would like a refresher. Please make an effort to attend to help our year run smooth.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Greg Swan at [email protected].