Release Policy (St. Marys Minor Ball)

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St Marys Minor Ball Release Policy

The purpose of this policy is to define the guidelines used in the release of players from St Marys Minor Ball.
Softball/Fastball Policy A) Resident players:
1) All players must register and pay for registration with the St Marys Minor Ball Association
2) Release will be granted only under the following conditions:
a. The St Marys Minor Ball Association does not have enough players registered at that level and player movement from one level lower cannot be accommodated.
b. The ST MARYS MINOR BALL ASSOCIATION has an excessive amount of players (14 to 19) at a specific level in that 2 full teams of at least 10 or 11 each cannot be made.
c. If you want to try out for a recognized higher level (eg London Lightning, Kitchener Klassics), a release will be granted for that classification

3) Releases if granted will only be valid for the period of 1 year.
4) Once a player has been released from the ST MARYS MINOR BALL ASSOCIATION 2 consecutive seasons with her new centre, they no longer need a release from the ST MARYS MINOR BALL ASSOCIATION to continue playing in that centre.
5) Should the player wish to return to their home centre they do not need a release from the last
centre they played for.

Policy B) Non-resident players
1) A player cannot register with the ST MARYS MINOR BALL ASSOCIATION unless the player has proof of registration (copy of registration form) from Home Centre and a release from all said Centre Reps.
2) If there is no appropriate team to play on in the home centre player must sign with the closest nearby centre that has her division of play unless he gets a release from that nearest centre. The release is for one year only. The player would then be free to sign with a centre in conjunction with league/organizational policies.
3) Once a player has played two consecutive seasons with the ST MARYS MINOR BALL ASSOCIATION she then becomes the property of the ST MARYS MINOR BALL ASSOCIATION. She would need a release from the ST MARYS MINOR BALL ASSOCIATION
if she wished to play in any other centre but her original home centre. The player may return to her own original home centre if she wished and a release would not be required.

1) All players must register and pay for registration with the St Marys Minor Ball Association
2) ST MARYS MINOR BALL ASSOCIATION follows all release rules and policies from WOBA

A player who gets cut from an OBA team in another centre has to play one full year at WOBA and is not eligible to tryout for the OBA team his first year, but if he returns for a second consecutive year, they will be eligible to tryout for the OBA team ***Exception - when they are not displacing a St Marys kid***

***If a release is granted, the player will receive a refund of their registration fee within 30 days***