Registration Information 2025 (St. Marys Minor Ball)

PrintRegistration Information 2025

Registration for the 2025 season has now opened. It will close October 21, 2024. Late registrations will be placed on a waitlist. Movement from the 5U & 7U waitlist is guaranteed until April 15, 2025 and then will be based on registration numbers. Movement from the older age divisions will be first come first served and based on registration numbers.

Please click here to register through SportsHeadz. You will need to sign up for an
account if you don’t already have one from a previous season or a different sport.

Registration cannot be done through the SportsHeadz app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can play for St. Marys Minor Ball?
Players must be a resident of St. Marys or surrounding areas. At the very youngest age 7U and 5U, it is a co-ed house league program that does not involve travel. The rest of our fastball and hardball teams involve travel.

How much does it cost to play?

Payment by credit card is available through the registration process and includes the option to pay in instalments. You can also pay by e-transfer by March 1, 2025. Please choose “Cash/Cheque payment” during registration and send the e-transfer to [email protected] with your child’s name in the memo line.
What if my player changes their mind and decides to not play?

Refer to the St Marys Minor Ball refund policy here.
When does the season start and when does it end?
5U & 7U Co-ed HL will run from approximately May 23 until Aug 1(10 week duration), depending on the weather and state of the field.
When will we find out my child's schedule?
5U & 7U Co-ed HL plays one night per week, with the night TBD.
Where do we practice and play?
5U & 7U Co-ed HL plays at East Ward Park.
What are the equipment and uniform requirements?
St Marys Minor Ball and Tim Horton’s will provide all 5U & 7U HL Co-ed players with a t-shirt and hat. All players will share balls, bats, T's and cleaning supplies. All players must have their own ball glove and helmet.
How can I support my player?
Please come ready to help assist on the field, no athletic ability required, an older sibling or grandparent would also be welcome.

How will the program work?
In U5 and U7 our goal is to keep the kids engaged and having fun while they learn the basics of baseball in a supportive, team-oriented environment. With small teams of 6-7 players, your child will get plenty of playing time and individual attention from our dedicated volunteer coaches, who will guide them through the fundamentals of hitting, fielding, and teamwork. Kids will enjoy batting from a tee and rounding the bases, with each game focusing on learning and fun, without the pressure of keeping score. They'll also get to experience the thrill of a "home run" as the last batter clears the bases. Get ready for a season full of excitement and skill-building!

What if my 7U-aged child is looking for a more competitive program?
Once we have an idea of registration numbers for 7U House League, we will reach out to parents to determine interest for a more competitive option.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?
Please send an email to [email protected]


When does the season start and when does it end?
The baseball season runs from April to August. Ideally, practices start in late April but we must wait until the fields can be played on. Games typically run from mid-May to August.

When will we find out my child's schedule?
Once registration is complete, the executive will determine teams and schedules. Players will be contacted by coaching staff at some point in April. All schedules will be posted to the website. Each team will have approximately one practice and 1-2 games per week (including some out of town games).
Where do we practice and play?
Practices and home games are held at Teddy’s Field, the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame (four diamonds), and the arena diamond.
What are the equipment and uniform requirements?
For 9U and above, St Marys Minor Ball provides all players with a jersey. All players will need to provide their own hat, ball pants, socks, belt, ball cleats, ball glove and helmet. SMMBA will no longer be providing a hat. Please use one that you already have or a new one can be purchased at Dunny’s in St Marys. Your coach will confirm pant, sock and belt colour requirements.  Players do not require their own bat but are welcome to have one. It is highly recommended that boys playing 15U and 18U have their own bat.

What leagues do we play in?
At the 9U level and above, the girls play fastball in the Huron-Perth Fastball Association. Teams are typically within Huron and Perth counties. Teams play a 12-16 (approximate) game season and have a final tournament in mid-August.
At the 9U  level and above, boys play hardball in the Western Ontario Baseball Association (WOBA). Teams are typically within Huron and Perth counties. Teams play 12-14 games per season and have a final tournament in August.
What does it mean to be on an OBA team?
Boys playing 9U and above have had the opportunity to try out for an OBA (Ontario Baseball Association) team, competing at a higher level. OBA teams play extra games against other teams in Huron, Perth, Bruce and the London District Baseball Association (LDBA). They also participate in a final OBA tournament, typically held on Labour Day weekend. There will be additional costs for tournament entries and extra games, which will be communicated once confirmed.
How do I obtain a release?
Releases will be granted to boys age 11 and above who are interested in trying out for the London Badgers AAA association. Girls wanting to try out for AA or AAA fastball will also be granted a release. Releases are rarely granted for any other reason. For more information regarding releases, please refer to our Release Policy. For any additional information, please reach out to the President (contact info can be found here).

Playing Up
St Marys Minor Ball players will play within the level of play designated for their age. However, there are some players who, due to mitigating and very rare circumstances, may be allowed to play at a different level than their age specifies. These exceptions are granted on an individual, year-to-year basis and must be approved by St Marys Minor Ball Executive. If a family believes their child should play at a different level than their age designates then the parents must make a formal written request to the President of St Marys Minor Ball.
Play Up requests are evaluated based primarily on the factors in this order:
1st - Roster space at the requested level
2nd - Skill level of the player
A request will be denied if the player’s movement to the next level up will be detrimental to the designated age division for that player.

Playing Down
Playing down is reserved for cases that involve medical situations and/or in cases where there is a significant risk to the player's safety. Exceptions may be made where the league rules dictate that over age players are allowed.